Ridgeland high rise variance request is a valid one Please allow me to respond to Janet Clark's letter about the Butler Snow building and the Colony Park Tax Increment Financing bonds ("Proposed high rise would harm Ridgeland residents," Sept. 14). Ms. Clark is entitled to her own opinion, but not to her own facts. The facts are these:
Does TIF allow the developer to avoid taxes on the development? TIF does not lessen taxes the development pays.Are school taxes diminished by TIF? No. State law forbids it.Where does the TIF money go? TIF bonds fund infrastructure such as additional traffic lanes, walking trails, parking, street lighting, landscaping, culverts, water management and underground utilities.How are the bonds re-paid? Bonds are not re-paid with existing tax dollars; they are re-paid by new taxes assessed on the development. The TIF does not decrease existing tax revenues; it uses new tax revenues generated by adding property to the tax rolls.Will deleting parking from under the building increase the amount of TIF bonds or financially benefit me? The TIF pan is unrelated to whether parking is under the building, as in the original 17-story proposal; or beside the building, as in the 13-story compromise offer.Is the TIF plan a part of the current controversy? The TIF plan was approved unanimously - three years ago - by both Ridgeland and Madison County. It is no part of the current request for a zoning variance.Will tenants leave Northpark for Renaissance? Tenants who desire to leave Northpark have alternatives in other communities. If an alternative is not available in Ridgeland, they can leave for other communities.Does Zoning Code C-3 forbid the variance? The building will lie entirely within Zone C-4. Zone C-4 clearly permits a variance.Am I requesting some illegality? I'm complying with the law by requesting a variance under the zoning code. Variance provisions are just as much a part of the Code as any other provision. Residents who charge that city officials cannot be trusted to fairly apply city ordinances ignore a 20-year history of good municipal government.Is it "right" to attract Jackson tenants to Ridgeland? I am as concerned as anyone with the long-term health of the city of Jackson. However, I do not feel it my place to tell people where they may live and work. The men and women of the Butler Snow and Horne CPA firms are entitled to make the same decision that Ms. Clark did when she chose to move to Ridgeland.
Buster Bailey
H.C. Bailey Co.
GREAT LETTER!!! Thanks Mr. Bailey! All of Ridgeland appreciates your efforts in making and keeping Ridgeland a top notch city! Thanks for all you do!
Great letter Mr. Baily!
Thanks Mr B,I have a feeling that you will get your building .The vote will be 4/2 or a tie with Gene breaking the tie.Hang in there and thanks for what you do and what you will do in the future
I'm with you Mr. Bailey!
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